You Can HelpSupport T.L. Storer
There is never a shortage of needs at T.L. Storer. With a property as large as ours, the maintenance and upkeep are sometimes overwhelming. In addition, we strive to offer an amazing outdoor experience which takes a lot of resources. If you are interested in supporting T.L. Storer, we have outlined some opportunities for you to partner with us below.

We are thankful for our amazing team of volunteers who help with the many projects and programs at T.L. Storer. Our volunteers make it possible for us to keep costs low while offering an amazing outdoor experience. They enable us to keep the camp and our programs accessible to everyone. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, please let us know!

Donating to T.L. Storer helps us maintain and improve our facilities, and expand our programming. We strive to be a place where people of all ages come to learn and discover while having a great time. We aim to provide people with an amazing adventure. Your donation helps to make sure we are providing these awesome experiences for many years to come! When you donate directly to TL Storer, we will direct your funds to the area of greatest need.